Howdy, iam Michael Ramirez, Have an awesome day!

Where Is The Best Armor In Lost Ark? [Solved]

To upgrade your gear, head to the honing NPC. There you’ll see a list of all the items you have that are capable of being upgraded. To get a piece ready for honing, you’ll essentially feed Harmony Shards to that item until its EXP bar is full. Once that’s done, it’s ready to be honed.15 Feb 2022

Asmongold Reacts to Lost Ark Legendary Armor (ALL Classes)

Asmongold reacts to "

Lost Ark - 1370+ Item Level Gearing Guide!

Quick Overview of what to do once you hit 1370 Item level, hopefully this helps your gearing process!

Lost Ark Relic Armour Explained. Which Relic Armour Set should you use?

Want to know what relic